Permaculture 04 - Patterns of Permaculture
It is no scientific mystery that the human eye seeks patterns, as an evolutionary trait at the very least. Yet, when we seek to emulate...

Permaculture 03 - Permaculture is Wild
The old phrase “History is written by the winners” applies to the way we humans live on the planet. We have dominated the planet and...

Permaculture 02 - Permaculture in 8 Steps
Permaculture allows us to holistically create a place for ourselves and our loved ones in a way that benefits life in all its forms. We...

Permaculture 01 - Saving the World
What is the "design methodology" of Permaculture? How does that methodology affect what it offers to gardeners, to communities, and to...

Why do we do it? Why is Heart 2 Heart Farms so intent on it's multiple projects, upcycling, sustainability, community involvement, and...