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The American Guinea Hog is one of our favorite animals on the farm.  Also called the “Guinea Forest Hog” or “Yard Pig,” the American guinea hog is a rare breed with black hairy coat, upright ears, and stout frame.  Noted for their smaller size, incredible intelligence, happy demeanor, and gentle browsing habits, the Guinea Hog is a WONDERFUL addition to any small farm. These Guineas are famous for their ability to thrive in harsh conditions and the roughest forage, making the preservation of the species a priority of Heart2Heart Farms.  These Guineas reach butcher weight of 150-300lbs between 1 and 3 years, producing ham, bacon, and lard of exceptional flavor and quality.

The Kunekune is a small breed of domestic pig from New Zealand. Kunekune are hairy, with a rotund build and may bear wattles hanging from their lower jaws. Their color ranges from black and white, to ginger, cream, gold-tip, black, brown and tricoloured. They have a docile, friendly nature, and are suitable for a novice owner, as they are placid and love human company, and -like the pot-bellied pig – are now often kept as pets. Kunekune are very easy to manage as they have the ability to fatten on little more than grass. They are the only true grazing pig and can be maintained with grass alone without supplementary feeding. An acre of grass can sustain as many as 5 kunekunes.

The City Pig as we like to call them, are the cutest addition to any living environment, and these guys are PERFECT for suburban/rural backyards and/or SMALL farms, because they're MINI! Crossed between 3 small breeds (a runt  American Guinea Hog, Kune Kune, and Juliana), these guys stay smaller than most other pigs, And have a much longer life expectancy than teacup varieties!

Are City Pigs right for you?

Watch our vidoe to learn more!

The Tamworth is a breed of domestic pig originating in Tamworth, United Kingdom. This animal is of ginger to red in color and is thought to have descended from wild boars, via native pig stock of Europe. Alternate names for this animal are Sandy Back and Tam. Its disposition is very rugged, and active. Known for its ample belly “aka the best bacon hog”, the Tamworth displays a firm trim jowl and underline with muscular hams.

Are pigs right for you?

Watch our video to find out more!

Pork Pricing

Our livestock are fed ONLY fresh fruits and vegetables and local/organic spent brewers’ grains. Our pigs get supplemented with some of the meat from our farm, but these wonderful animals consume NO commercial feeds whatsoever. NO gmo corn/soy, NO antibiotics, NO hormones. They eat like they would in the wild. In addition, our animals are treated wonderfully, and harvested peacefully and prayerfully on site. You are encouraged to come to the farm anytime and take a tour, so you’re completely familiar with, and comfortable supporting the way we raise and harvest our pigs.


Our pigs are $2.50/lb live weight. If you are accustomed to buying based on hanging weight, most pig carcass are about 60% of the live weight of the hog (so $2.50 live-weight is approximately equal to $4.16/lb hanging weight). Most hogs yield (in meat) about 70% of the hanging weight, so your final cost per pound should be somewhere around $5.95/lb, depending, of course, on the specific animal. The only additional costs are to the specialist who does all the cutting and wrapping which is $100 to kill, quarter, and transport, and $.52/lb to custom cut and wrap. You are, of course, always welcome to use our facilities for this to save some money. We’re happy to teach you how to harvest your own.


So, if you purchased a 200lb hog, it should weigh around 120 lbs when it’s butchered, and should yield approximately 84 lbs of meat.

The cost of the hog is $500 (200lbs x $2.50/lb) plus $100 to kill/quarter/transport, plus $62.40 to cut and wrap (120lbs hanging weight x $.52/lb)

We will reserve the animal with a 50% deposit, and the balance, along with the cut/wrap fee is paid prior to pickup.

I understand this can be an overwhelming process, so if you’re new to it, or you have any questions, we’d love to walk you through it all over the phone so it makes more sense 


Example of Pork Cost:

Live Weight: 200lbs
Hanging weight: 120lbs
Meat Weight: 84lbs
Meat Cost: 200lbs x $2.50lbs = $500
Kill and Transport= $100
Cut and Wrap (butcher cost, paid to butcher) 120lbs x $0.52=$62.40

You are always more than welcome to use our facilities and our

instruction to kill, cut, wrap in order to skip this cost.
Cost Total (for all services, entire pig): $662.40

Want to buy live pigs and/or raise your own?
We sell piglets year round and prices range from $125 to over $300, depending both on the breed and age. We would Love to hear from you and we’re always happy to give recommendations and current pricing if you can tell us a little more about what exactly you’re looking for.
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